Language opportunities |
Number of language opportunities provided by the parent, including direct prompt (i.e., a verbal model), indirect prompt (i.e., “ready, set…”), or time delay (parent holds up the object of interest and waits expectantly for a vocal response). Reported as rate/minute. |
Responsivity |
Proportion of appropriate child vocal responses, following a parental prompt (reported as %; see Inappropriate Responses for exclusionary examples). |
Inappropriate responses |
Proportion of child nonfunctional, noncommunicative, echolalic, out of context, inappropriate, undirected, or disruptive responses to parent prompts. |
Initiations |
Number of child‐initiated functional, appropriate vocalizations (rate/min). |
Functional vocal utterances (FVU) |
Composite measure of the overall number of functional/meaningful, task‐directed, and purposeful vocalizations with appropriate volume and directedness to person or activity (including both initiations and appropriate vocal responses). Reported as rate/minute. |