Figure 2.
Effects of embryonic treatment on gross morphology of larvae. Images of whole larvae at 12h post fertilisation (hpf) (A, B, C and D), 18hpf (E, F, G and H) and 120hpf (I, J, K and L) show the effects of dexamethasone (B, F and J), hypoxia (C, G and K) and GR morpholino knockdown (GR Mo (D,h and L)) compared with untreated controls (A, E and I). Hypoxic larvae show reduced tail length and larger yolk sac and craniofacial immaturity. By contrast, dexamethasone-treated larvae show advanced eye development, somite patterning and yolk sac puckering. The delay in maturation in GR Mo is less prominent. The swim bladder appears less inflated in larvae with hypoxia and GR Mo treatment. Histological images of H&E-stained sections at two levels of magnification show typical examples of control (M), dexamethasone- (N), hypoxia- (O) and GR Mo-treated larvae at 120hpf (P). Features highlighted are swim bladder (SB), gut (G), yolk sac (YS), eye (E), heart (H) and brain (B). Analyses of images from 20 larvae/group were carried out in consultation with a veterinary pathologist.