Fig. 1. STM studies on heavy fermion CeCoIn5.
(A) Illustration of heavy fermion band formation as a result of hybridization below the T* coherence temperature of the Kondo lattice. (B) Temperature dependence of the averaged tunneling spectra on surface B of pure CeCoIn5 and CeRhIn5 (dashed line). Data are from Aynajian et al. (32). (C and D) Real-space conductance map near the Fermi energy on surface B of CeCo(In1−xCdx)5 at x = 0.15 doping level, which shows clear heavy–quasi-particle interference waves (Vbias = −100 mV, Iset point = 1.6 nA). (E and F) Fourier transforms of the real-space conductance maps at the corresponding energies, which display dispersing peaks in the [H,H] direction. Red dot indicates the (0.4,0.4) point in the reciprocal space. (G and H) Energy-momentum cuts of the Fourier transforms in the [H,H] direction [dashed line on (E)] for x = 0.15 and x = 0.0075. The heavy fermion band formation and quasi-particle interference are unaffected by the Cd doping. rlu, reciprocal lattice units; PSD, power spectral density.