Figure 4. Extravascular localisation of trypanosomes during an infection visualised using multi-photon microscopy (A) and spinning-disk confocal microscopy (B).
(A) Still-image extracted from video (Video 1) of multi-photon live imaging of dorsal skin during a trypanosome infection. Intravenous non-targeted quantum dots (white) highlight blood vessels. T.b. brucei STIB 247 parasites transfected with mCherry to aid visualisation (red) are clearly visible and motile outside the vasculature and within the extravascular skin matrix (green). (B) Still-image extracted from (Video 3) of spinning-disk confocal live imaging of the ear of an Kdr (Flk1) C57BL/6J Rj mouse during a trypanosome infection. T.b. brucei AnTat1.1E AMLuc/tdTomato parasites expressing tdTomato (red) are moving in the extravascular region surrounding a vessel of the dermis (green).