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. 2016 Sep 8;99(4):934–941. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.08.001

Table 1.

Clinical Findings in Five Subjects with De Novo Missense Variants in CHD4

Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Subject 5
CHD4 variant c.3380G>A (p.Arg1127Gln) c.3518G>T (p.Arg1173Leu) c.3380G>A (p.Arg1127Gln) c.3443G>T (p.Trp1148Leu) c.3008G>A (p.Gly1003Asp)
Gender, age at last exam male, 10 years female, 16 years male, 10 years female, 5 years male, 18 years
Birth weight, OFC 4 kg, 38 cm 2.8 kg, ND 3.7 kg, 37cm 2.99 kg, 35 cm 3.06 kg, ND
Height, OFC at last exama 143 cm (75th), 56 cm (>98th) 161 cm (40th), 62 cm (>98th) 140 cmb (50th), 56 cm (>98th) 89.5 cm (<3rd; Z score −5), 49 cm (20th) 167.5 cm (10th), 52.5 cm at 4 years (90th)
Developmental delay + + + + (severe) +
Intellectual disability + + + (mild) + + (mild)
Hearing lossc + + + +
Undescended testis, micropenis +, + NA +, + NA −, +
Macrocephalyd + + + relative to length +e
Widely spaced eyesf + + + + +
Dysmorphic earsg + + + + +
Palatal anomalies +h +i +i +i
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism + + NT +
Skeletal survey advanced bone age by 2–3 years tarsal coalition, cervical vertebrae fusion falx calcification scoliosis, platybasia, fusion of C2-C3, bilateral coxa valga, fusion of the cuboid and the 3rd cuneiforms bilaterally, brachymesophalangia diffusely osteopenic bones
Brain MRI enlarged lateral ventricles, congenital stroke with moyamoya disease enlarged lateral ventricles, chiari 1 malformation enlarged lateral ventricles enlarged ventricles (mild), basilar, invagination and narrow foramen mangum enlarged lateral and third ventricles
Heart congenital heart defect (PDA s/p ligation, PFO, ASD, and VSD) ASD, PDA s/p repair, VSD, bicuspid aortic valve, mild dilatation of aortic root

Abbreviations are as follows: ASD, atrial septal defect; NT, not tested; NA, not applicable; OFC, occipital frontal circumference; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; VSD, ventricular septal defect.


Data in parentheses are percentiles.


On growth hormone therapy.


Conductive and/or sensorineural hearing loss.


Head circumference >97th percentile for age and sex.


Current OFC unavailable, 90th percentile at the age of 4 years.


Inner canthal distance >97th for age 50.


See a description of ear anomalies in Figure 1.


Bifid uvula.


Hypernasal speech and or velopharyngeal insufficiency/submucosal cleft palate.