Despite Consistent Replication, the Interaction Regulating MYRFL Is Attributable to cis-eQTL
(A–E) In each interaction plot, all individuals are categorized according to their two-locus genotype at rs1262808 and rs11615099. The mean expression of MYRFL for all individuals with each of the nine possible two-locus genotypes is shown here for the (A) discovery, (B) replication, (C) Mayo, cerebellum, (D) Mayo, cortex, (E) GTEx, whole blood datasets. The interaction plot illustrates a consistent trend across all datasets, this interaction is mediated by cis-eQTL.
(F) Conditional cis-eQTL analyses were conducted in the discovery (CEU only, yellow); GTEx (purple); Mayo, cerebellum (teal); and Mayo, temporal cortex (orange). For each conditional analysis, the conditional LRT p value is plotted by the genomic position of the cis-eQTL conditioned on. The p value peak observed in this region illustrates that cis-eQTL completely attenuate the interaction when they are conditioned on.