Figure 5. SST-IR Neurons are Decreased Selectively in BD Subjects with Subjective Day Time of Death.
(A) Scatterplot depicts total numbers (Nt) of SST-IR neurons in the combined LN-BNAB-CO of subjects with a time of death (TOD) in the subjective day (06:00–17:59) in comparison to subjects with a time of death in the subjective night (18:00–05:59). Within the normal control group, there is a trend toward higher numbers of SST-IR neurons in the subjective night TOD group with respect to subjective day TOD group. Within the BD group, this comparison is significant, with subjective night TOD group showing higher numbers of SST-IR neurons with respect to the subjective day TOD group (p< 0.009). Between group comparisons of subjective day and subjective night respectively show a significant effect of diagnosis selectively for the subjective day TOD group (p< 0.04).. (B) No relationship was observed between TOD and total number of NPY-IR neurons in the LN in either diagnosis group. (C) Scatterplots of Nt of SST-IR neurons in the subjective day TOD vs. subjective night TOD across each amygdala nucleus. SST-IR neuron numbers were found to be lower in the subjective day TOD in both control and BD subjects in most amygdala nuclei. In subjects with BD, decreases of total number of SST-IR neurons were present in the subjective day TOD group in the LN, and CO, with statistical trends for decreases in the BN and AB. Furthermore, comparisons of subjective day vs. subjective night groups in subjects with BD revealed a significant decrease of Nt of SST-IR neurons in the subjective day across all amygdala nuclei examined in this disorder (C). (D) Plots display quartic regression analysis of total numbers of SST-IR neurons in the LN by TOD for each diagnosis group. A rhythmic relationship is evident for both normal control and BD groups. In control subjects, total numbers of SST-IR neurons display a peak at approximately 12 AM, followed by a trough at approximately 6 AM, and a second peak at approximately 12 PM followed by a second trough at approximately 6 PM (Black circles, gray solid line). Subjects with BD show a reverse rhythmic-like relationship, with a trough at approximately 12 AM, a peak at approximately 6 AM, a second trough at approximately 12 PM and a second peak at approximately 6 PM (black squares, black dashed line). Scatterplots show the mean (histogram) and 95% confidence intervals (black lines). *Adjusted for significant effect of sex and cause of death.