Figure 3.
Relationships between seed shape, dispersal type, onset of flowering and arcsine square root-transformed germination percentage. Plots of (A) seed shape [(1) spheroid or nearly-spheroid; (2) cylindrical, tubular, or conical; (3) ellipsoid, broad-ellipsoid, narrow-ellipsoid, ovoid, elongate-ovoid, or obovoid; (4) trigonous or prismatic; (5) oblate-discoid, lenticular, or plane; (6) fusiform, acicular, or linear] and GP, (B) dispersal type [(1) zoochorous, (2) anemochorous, (3) ombrohydrochorous, (4) barochorous, (5) autochorous] and GP, and (C) onset of flowering [(1) early, where flowering begins in May; (2) middle, where flowering begins in June; (3) late, where flowering begins in July and August] and GP. Boxplots showing mean (+), median (—), quartiles, and outliers (−).