Figure 2.
In vivo, hippocampal Ido1 expression is increased after LPS and pI:C administration. Mice were administered saline (Ctrl), LPS, or pI:C and hippocampi collected after 6 h. Gene expression of three Ido1 transcripts was measured. Expression levels are relative to Ctrl samples normalized to 1.0. *p < 0.05 for the effect of LPS or pI:C. Average Ctrl Ct values for each transcript: (A) Ido1-FL: Ct = 40.0, (B) Ido1-v1: Ct = 29.8, and (C) Ido1-v2: Ct = 39.7. Ct values indicate that Ido1-FL and Ido1-v2 are essentially not expressed in naive (Ctrl) mouse hippocampi, whereas Ido1-v1 expression is detectable in all samples.