Fig. 2.
Magnetic source imaging enhanced detection of focal glucose hypometabolism caused by focal cortical dysplasia. A 20-year-old man with the left orbito-frontal lobe epilepsy is presented. No remarkable abnormality was noted in the conventional presentation of FDG-PET. (A) Magnetoencephalography recording revealed that equivalent current dipoles (green circles in the 3-dimensional MR imaging) of his interictal spikes were localized in the left orbito-frontal region. (B) Review of the dipole region led us to identify focal glucose hypometabolism in the same region (arrows) in FDG-PET. (C) The patient underwent focal cortical resection of the orbito-frontal lobe after the orbito-frontal seizure onset was confirmed by invasive evaluation with chronically implanted subdural electrodes. Histo-pathological diagnosis of microdysgenesis was established.