Figure 8. Biomass levels and siderophore production of AfS77, ∆egtAAfS77, ∆yap1 and ∆egtA∆yap1 under iron-deplete conditions (containing 20 mM L-glutamine as nitrogen source).
(a) Biomass production of A. fumigatus strains cultivated for 24 h at 37 °C during iron starvation (-Fe) and iron sufficiency (+Fe) show no remarkable differences. (b) EGT-deficiency (strain ∆egtA) caused higher levels of FC. (c) Combined with Yap1 deficiency, EGT deficiency increased FsC and decreased TAFC production (d) Exemplar RP-HPLC chromatogram (detection at 435 nm to detect red siderophores after iron saturation of the culture supernatants) confirming increased FsC and decreased TAFC production in ∆egtA∆yap1 (red line) in comparison to ∆yap1 (black line).