Figure 2. Normalisation of TNF reduces mucosal IL33 gene expression.
Pairwise comparison of colonic biopsies from patients with UC pre and post infliximab therapy (acute disease versus disease remission) were analysed with real-time qPCR. Patients are grouped into those who showed normalisation of mucosal TNF at disease remission (n = 10), and those who had a raised mucosal TNF at disease remission (n = 19). Results are given as mean fold change (2−∆∆CT) with error bars marking the upper limit 95% confidence interval. A more significant reduction of inflammatory cytokine transcription was seen in the group with normalisation of mucosal TNF, assessed by Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test (a). Panels (b,c) show individual IL33 and IL1RL1 gene expression for each patient at acute disease (white point) and disease remission (black point) given as 2−∆CT, with ∆CT values generated from the mean of the healthy control group. IL33 showed a significant reduction (p = 0.02) for the TNF normalised group but not when TNF remained elevated (p = 0.8).