FIG 7.
Competitivity of various mutants in plant infection. (A) Induction of fusions in genes involved in resistance to AMP in the presence of plant chips. Bacteria were grown in M63 medium with glycerol in the absence or presence of chicory chips. Values are the ratios of the activity of the fusion under induced conditions versus those under noninduced conditions. Values are the means ± SDs from at least four separate experiments. (B) Competitivity indexes of various mutants in chicory leaf infections. The wild-type and mutant strains were inoculated in a 1/1 ratio in a chicory leaf. After 24 h, rotten tissue was collected, homogenized, and diluted, and the numbers of bacteria were counted. The competitivity index is the ratio (number of mutant bacteria/number of WT bacteria) in the rotten tissue/(number of mutant bacteria/number of WT bacteria) in the inoculum. Values are the averages ± standard deviations of data from at least five infected leaves.