Table I.
Patient demographics and tumour characteristics, treatments and uutcomes.
Case | Age | Gender | Histology | Primary Site | Stage | Tobacco | Clinical presentation | Surgical management | Approach | Surgical margins |
Adjuvant therapy | Laryngeal preservation |
Follow-up period | Outcome |
1 | 61 | F | Adenoid cystic carcinoma |
Supraglottis İnfrahyoid epiglottis |
T1N0M0 | N | Dysphagia | Supraglottic Laryngectomy |
Open | - | RT | Y | 3 y | ANED |
2 | 44 | M | Adenoid cystic carcinoma |
Supraglottis İnfrahyoid epiglottis |
T3N0M0 | N | Dysphonia | Supraglottic Laryngectomy |
Open | - | RT | Y | 13 m | ANED |
3 | 57 | F | Adenoid cystic carcinoma |
Subglottis | T4N0M0 | Y | Hemoptysis | TL + İpsilateral ND |
Open | - | RT | N | 14 y | ANED |
4 | 69 | M | Muco epidermoid carcinoma |
Supraglottis İntraarytenoid |
T1N0M0 | N | Dysphonia | Partial Laryngectomy |
Laser Endoscopic | - | RT | Y | 4.5 y | ANED |
5 | 58 | F | Epithelialmyoepitheial carcinoma |
Supraglottis suprahyoidepiglottis |
T1N0M0 | N | Cough | Supraglottic Laryngectomy |
Laser Endoscopic | - | None | Y | 6 y | ANED |
6 | 47 | M | Adenocarcinoma | Transglottic | T4N2cM0 | N | Dysphonia | TL + Bilateral Selective ND, Levels 1-5 |
Open | - | RT / CT | N | 11.5 y | ANED |
TL-Total laryngectomy; ND- Neck dissection; RT- Radiation therapy; CT- Chemotherapy; ANED- Alive with no evidence of disease