Table 1.
Activation peaks for stimulus-driven reorienting, executive control, and conjunction.
Hemisphere | MNI coordinates | t-Value | Voxels | |
Stimulus-driven reorienting (invalid congruent > valid congruent) | ||||
Frontal Pole | L | −45, 42, −9 | 5.29 | 10 |
dACC / MFC | L | −6, 15, 51 | 11.9 | 3757 |
Anterior Insula | L | −27, 24, −3 | 11.74 | |
Anterior Insula | R | 33, 24, −6 | 11.06 | |
Middle Frontal Gyrus | L | −39, 6, 36 | 11.01 | |
Middle Frontal Gyrus | R | 42, 9, 30 | 10.76 | |
dACC / MFC | R | 9, 18, 48 | 10.74 | |
Superior Frontal Gyrus | R | 15, 12, 60 | 8.84 | |
Inferior Frontal Gyrus | R | 51, 21, 6 | 8.11 | |
Anterior TPJ | R | 54, −45, 24 | 12.66 | 3400 |
Anterior TPJ | L | −54, −48, 36 | 10.00 | |
Precuneus | R | 9, −54, 48 | 8.99 | |
Intraparietal Sulcus | L | −33, −48, 42 | 8.96 | |
Middle Temporal Gyrus | R | 57, −36, −3 | 8.48 | |
Intraparietal Sulcus | R | 33, −48, 42 | 8.37 | |
Posterior TPJ | R | 42, −63, 18 | 8.33 | |
Precuneus | L | −9, −57, 51 | 8.17 | |
Posterior TPJ | L | −42, −69, 15 | 7.55 | |
Occipital Cortex | R | 24, −60, 6 | 5.52 | 22 |
Occipital Cortex | R | 12, −87, 3 | 6.79 | 191.00 |
Occipital Cortex | L | −9, −90, 0 | 6.07 | |
Executive control (valid incongruent > valid congruent) | ||||
Anterior Insula | R | 30, 24, 0 | 8.99 | 135 |
Anterior Insula | L | −27, 24, 0 | 8.79 | 108 |
dACC / MFC | R | 9, 18, 48 | 8.09 | 270 |
Precentral Gyrus | R | 48, 9, 30 | 8.62 | 185 |
Middle Fontal Gyrus | R | 27, 6, 54 | 8.24 | 215 |
Middle Fontal Gyrus | L | −27, −3, 51 | 8.51 | 345 |
Precentral Gyrus | L | −45, 3, 33 | 8.17 | |
Inferior Temporal Gyrus | R | 54, −57, −9 | 9.38 | 157 |
Intraparietal Sulcus | R | 24, −60, 48 | 10.85 | 1033 |
Occipital Cortex | R | 33, −69, 27 | 9.19 | |
Inferior Temporal Gyrus | L | −42, −66, −6 | 8.89 | 182 |
Occipital Cortex | L | −27, −72, 27 | 9.28 | 882 |
Intraparietal Sulcus | L | −18, −63, 48 | 8.85 | |
Conjunction: Executive control ∩ Stimulus-driven reorienting | ||||
Anterior Insula | R | 30, 24, 0 | 8.99 | 133 |
Anterior Insula | L | −27, 24, 0 | 8.79 | 108 |
dACC / MFC | R | 9, 18, 48 | 8.09 | 268 |
Precentral Gyrus | R | 48, 9, 30 | 8.62 | 166 |
Middle Fontal Gyrus | R | 27, 6, 54 | 8.11 | 163 |
Middle Fontal Gyrus | L | −27, 0, 51 | 8.49 | 270 |
Precentral Gyrus | L | −45, 3, 33 | 8.17 | |
Intraparietal Sulcus | L | −36, −45, 45 | 8.06 | 479 |
Intraparietal Sulcus | R | 33, −48, 45 | 8.18 | 391 |
Occipital Cortex | R | 39, −72, 27 | 7.46 | 70 |
Notes: Activations were assessed at the voxel level with an FWE corrected threshold at p < 0.05. All clusters exceeding an extent of k < 5 voxels are reported. Clusters are ordered from anterior to posterior. Rows without voxel count refer to sub-peaks within larger clusters; the main peak and voxel count of these clusters is always provided as a first row, and sub-peaks in subsequent rows.