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. 2016 Oct 17;26(11):4253–4264. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhw263

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Synaptic transmission and neural excitability are altered in PD and dyskinesia in indirect striatal projection neurons. (A) Spine density (number of spines in 10 µm) in D2-MSNs. (B) Firing rate of D2-MSNs. Top, representative firing rate at 0.4 nA of injected current. Scale bar = 50 mV/50ms. (C) Synaptic transmission of D2-MSNs remains decreased in dyskinetic mice. Top, representative EPSP-stimulus intensity at 20, 40 and 60 µA. Scale bar = 10 mV/20ms. (D) Illustrative traces of APs evoked by synaptic stimulation in each experimental condition in D2-MSNs (left). Summary of changes in the threshold of synaptically evoked APs (right). (*γP < 0.05, **γγ P < 0.005 parkinsoninan or dyskinetic mice respectively vs. sham-lesioned; one-way ANOVA).