(A) Aniline blue and DAPI images of medial plane of cells of indicated genotype wt+pEmpty (MBY8558), cps1-191+pEmpty (MBY8944), cps1-191+pSbg1 (MBY8946) and cps1-191+pBgs1 (MBY8947), fixed at 24°C or after shift to 34°C for 16 hr. (B) Quantification of 34°C phenotypes in (a). cps1-191+pEmpty vs cps1-191+pSbg1 septated binucleate cells: p-value = 0.001 (two-tailed T-test). (n = 3, ≥200cells). (C) Calcofluor white (CW) images of the indicated strains: wt+pEmpty (MBY8558), cps1-191+pEmpty (MBY8944) and cps1-191+pSbg1 (MBY8946) after 16 hr at 34°C, with one strain also stained with Concanavalin A (ConA) conjugated with FITC (labelled strain indicated with an asterisk*). A-D refer to the different combinations analyzed and are stated in the figure. (D) Quantification of observed Calcofluor white fluorescence intensity for experiment done in (c). Percentage of PS fluorescence intensity normalized to septum length of each strain compared to that of cps1-191+pEmpty strain, which was assigned a value of 100%. (n≥24cells). Scale bar 5μm. Error bars indicate S.D.