Figure 1. Glucocorticoids regulate the diurnal oscillations in the threshold of mechanical allodynia in PSL mice.
(a–d) Temporal profiles of plasma glucocorticoid levels and the paw withdrawal threshold in naive (a), sham+PSL (b), ADX+PSL (c) and CORT (500 μg kg−1 h−1)-administered ADX+PSL (d) male mice (means±s.e.m.; n=5–6). The continuous administration of CORT (500 μg kg−1 h−1) to ADX+PSL mice was performed by the subcutaneous (s.c.) implantation of an osmotic minipump. The withdrawal threshold of the nerve-injured ipsilateral (ipsi.) right hindpaw and sham-operated contralateral (contra.) left hindpaw of sham+PSL, ADX+PSL, and CORT (500 μg kg−1 h−1)-administered ADX+PSL mice was assessed by the von Frey up-down method. The withdrawal threshold of the right and left hindpaws of naive mice was also assessed by the same method. Significant time-dependent variations are observed in plasma CORT levels in naive (F5,30=13.128, P<0.001; ANOVA) and sham+PSL (F5,30=6.592, P<0.001; ANOVA) mice, and in the withdrawal threshold of the ipsilateral hindpaw of sham+PSL (F5,30=5.482, P=0.011; ANOVA) mice. (e,f), An inverse relationship between diurnal oscillations in plasma CORT levels and the paw withdrawal threshold in sham+PSL (e) and ADX+PSL (f) male mice after nerve injury (means±s.e.m.; n=6). Significant time-dependent variations are observed in plasma CORT levels (F7,40=3.359, P=0.008; ANOVA) and in the withdrawal threshold of the ipsilateral hindpaw in sham+PSL (F7,40=2.655, P=0.024; ANOVA) mice. Neither plasma CORT levels (F7,40=0.926, P=0.497; ANOVA) nor the withdrawal threshold of the ipsilateral hindpaw (F7,40=0.647, P=0.715; ANOVA) show significant time-dependent variations in ADX+PSL mice.