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. 2016 Oct 14;7:13102. doi: 10.1038/ncomms13102

Figure 1. Glucocorticoids regulate the diurnal oscillations in the threshold of mechanical allodynia in PSL mice.

Figure 1

(ad) Temporal profiles of plasma glucocorticoid levels and the paw withdrawal threshold in naive (a), sham+PSL (b), ADX+PSL (c) and CORT (500 μg kg−1 h−1)-administered ADX+PSL (d) male mice (means±s.e.m.; n=5–6). The continuous administration of CORT (500 μg kg−1 h−1) to ADX+PSL mice was performed by the subcutaneous (s.c.) implantation of an osmotic minipump. The withdrawal threshold of the nerve-injured ipsilateral (ipsi.) right hindpaw and sham-operated contralateral (contra.) left hindpaw of sham+PSL, ADX+PSL, and CORT (500 μg kg−1 h−1)-administered ADX+PSL mice was assessed by the von Frey up-down method. The withdrawal threshold of the right and left hindpaws of naive mice was also assessed by the same method. Significant time-dependent variations are observed in plasma CORT levels in naive (F5,30=13.128, P<0.001; ANOVA) and sham+PSL (F5,30=6.592, P<0.001; ANOVA) mice, and in the withdrawal threshold of the ipsilateral hindpaw of sham+PSL (F5,30=5.482, P=0.011; ANOVA) mice. (e,f), An inverse relationship between diurnal oscillations in plasma CORT levels and the paw withdrawal threshold in sham+PSL (e) and ADX+PSL (f) male mice after nerve injury (means±s.e.m.; n=6). Significant time-dependent variations are observed in plasma CORT levels (F7,40=3.359, P=0.008; ANOVA) and in the withdrawal threshold of the ipsilateral hindpaw in sham+PSL (F7,40=2.655, P=0.024; ANOVA) mice. Neither plasma CORT levels (F7,40=0.926, P=0.497; ANOVA) nor the withdrawal threshold of the ipsilateral hindpaw (F7,40=0.647, P=0.715; ANOVA) show significant time-dependent variations in ADX+PSL mice.