Dpy30 KO results in accumulation of early HSPCs. (A–E) Analyses of BM from Mx1-Cre; Dpy30F/+ and Mx1-Cre; Dpy30F/− mice 4 d after the last pIpC injection. (A) Representative FACS analysis of BM cells. (B and C) Absolute numbers of BM cell populations (B) and percentages in total BM cells (C). n = 9 mice for F/+; n = 7 mice for F/-, except for n = 4 for CMP and CLP of each genotype. P < 0.001 for LSK, LT-HSCs, ST-HSCs, and CLP; P < 0.01 for RLP, by Student’s t test. (D) BrdU incorporation assay for BM. n = 10 mice for each genotype. P > 0.05 for all cell types by Student’s t test. (E) Annexin V staining for BM. n = 7 mice for F/+; n = 9 mice for F/−. P > 0.05, except for LSK cells by Student’s t test. (F–I) Analyses of BM from Rosa26-CreER; Dpy30F/+ and Rosa26-CreER; Dpy30F/− mice 4 d after the last tamoxifen injection in a series of seven injections. (F) Relative Dpy30 mRNA levels in BM of individual mice (each by a bar) was determined by RT-qPCR of duplicate measurements and normalized to Actb. (G) Representative FACS analysis of Lin− BM. (H) Absolute numbers of indicated BM cell populations. n = 2 mice per group. P < 0.05 for all by Student’s t test. (I) Annexin V staining for BM LSK cells. Note that the F/− LSK cells still accumulate in H, despite the mild increase of Annexin V+ percentage in these cells. Data are shown as mean ± SD for B–F and H.