Effect of expression of BNRF1 and EBNA-LP on recruitment of PML NB proteins to sites associated with HSV-1 genomes. Control cells or cells induced to express BNRF1 (HepaRG-based) or EBNA-LP (HFT-based) were infected with ICP0-null mutant HSV-1 at a low multiplicity of infection, and then cells at the edges of developing plaques were analyzed for the localization of ICP4, Sp100, hDaxx, or ATRX as indicated. All of the PML-NB proteins were relocated to sites associated with ICP4 (which strongly binds to HSV-1 DNA) in control cells. Images show the signal of the indicated PML PB protein paired with that of ICP4. Recruitment of Sp100 but not hDaxx or ATRX occurs in BNRF1-expressing cells, while recruitment of PML and hDaxx but not of Sp100 occurs in cells expressing high levels of EBNA-LP.