Lethal ecdysis deficiency is induced by a gypsy insertion in the cut locus. (A) Cuticle preparations of wings from flamA/ flamA (+/+), ctA flamA/ctA flamA (ctA/ctA), ctA flamA/ct6 (ctA/ct6), and ctA flamA/ctA flamA; su(Hw)8/su(Hw)8 (ctA/ctA; su(Hw)8/su(Hw)8). (B, C) Mortality during adult eclosion of flies in the AstC-R2 f03116 background. (B) Mortality during adult eclosion of heterozygous and homozygous flies derived from the mating of AstC-R2 f03116 heterozygous parents. (C) Mortality during adult eclosion of ctA heterozygotes and homozygotes, and AstC-R2 heterozygous and homozygous flies derived from mating of AstC-R2 heterozygous parents. (D, E) representative pictures of ctA/ctA; AstC-R2 f03116/AstC-R2 f03116 pharate adults. (D) Fly trapped inside the puparium ∼12 hr after the start of the adult ecdysis, showing the characteristic pigmentation of eclosed adults. (E) Fly extracted from puparium showing pupal membrane attached to legs, wings, and other parts of the body (arrow). (F) Mortality during adult eclosion of flies with the third chromosomes deriving from the y w67c23 strain (indicated in brackets) in absence or presence of the ctA mutation and of the TM6b balancer chromosome.