Figure 2.
Cooccurrence of w and gene-of-interest genomic editing events. Adults from injected G0 embryos that produce G1 broods are either divided into six groups according to their eye color composition: (1) all red; (2) white and red; (3) coffee and red or coffee, white, and red; (4) all white; (5) coffee and white; and (6) all coffee (upper panel), or divided into two categories, “with red in broods” (groups 1–3) and “no red in broods” (groups 4–6; lower panel). For each experiment, the number of broods yielding indels, recombinants (upper panel), or both editing events (lower panel) at the gene-of-interest, as identified by PCR screening of individual G1 progeny, is reported as percentage of total broods sampled. Shapes of data points represent individual experiments described in Table 1. Line presents the mean across all seven experiments. p: two-tailed, paired t-test.