Table 3.
Treatment and Intervention Studies
Author/Year/Study Location | Sample Source, Design, Length of Follow up | N | Objective | Measurement | Results | Author’s Conclusion | Relevance for Primary Care | Risk of Bias |
Gugelmann, 2013, United States35 | Patients in two urban EDs who are prescribed opioids from the ED assessed during a Pre-intervention (6–9 months) and Post-intervention (8–11 months) period at 2 tertiary care urban EDs (a primary and affiliate hospital) at different times, Prospective study (Primary Hospital January 2012–August 2012 and affiliate hospital September 2011–August 2012) | N= 40,554 pre-intervention and 30,958 post intervention at the primary hospital N = 18,000 pre-intervention and 27,143 post-intervention at the affiliate hospital At both hospitals, for persons age ≥ 65, N = 1360 pre-intervention and 852 post-intervention |
To determine if multidisciplinary educational intervention (lectures, journal clubs, case discussions, and EMR decision support tool) would decrease ED opioid packs (4 tablets of Oxycodone 5mg-Acetaminophen 325) dispensed at discharge. | 1. Pre-intervention and post-intervention change in opioid discharge packs dispensed to all patients treated and discharged through August 2012. 2. Analysis of change in opioid dispensing among patients with known risk factors (<65 yo, history of substance abuse, chronic pain or psychiatric disorder) for Rx opioid dependence |
1. Overall discharge packs decreased by 39.6% at primary hospital and 56.2% at the affiliate hospital. 2. For persons age ≥ 65 yo, 210/1360 (15.4%) were given an opioid pack at pre-intervention. 83/852 (9.7%) were given an opioid pack post-intervention. |
Interventions were associated with a decrease in the number of opioid packs dispensed and also in the number ordered for those with risk factors. | Providing education to prescribers can influence the trends in prescriptions and help prevent misuse and comorbidity. | It is difficult to assess the true efficacy of the intervention without a control group. |