Figure 3. Recovery of diastolic dysfunction in cRbm20ΔRRM-raloxifene mice 4 weeks after TAC/DOCA surgery: Pressure-Volume analysis.
DMSO (control) and raloxifene TAC/DOCA cRbm20ΔRRM mice were studied by PV analysis. A) Representative examples of PV loops. PV analysis was performed on anesthetized and ventilated mice under isoflurane. Inferior vena caval occlusions were conducted to assess load-independent parameters. (B) Diastolic stiffness coefficient β of EDPVR was significantly increased in the cRbm20ΔRRM-DMSO group but was normal in cRbm20ΔRRM-raloxifene group. (C) LVEDP was elevated in cRbm20ΔRRM-DMSO mice. * p≤0.05; **p≤0.01; ****p≤0.0001. (n=12 sham, 21 cRbm20ΔRRM-DMSO, 28 cRbm20ΔRRM-raloxifene)