Fig. 1.
NavX (left) and CARTO (right) 3D atrial geometry representation for the same patient, with their respective automated CFAE detection algorithms. On the bottom part of the figure, the top traces refer to a segment of fractionated bipolar AEG (AEG 1), and bottom traces refer to a non-fractionated segment of bipolar AEG (AEG 2), both recorded from the LA endocardium. The AEG 1 has CFE-Mean = 50.42 ms and ICL = 6. The AEG 2 has CFE-Mean = 123 ms and ICL = 1. Explanation regarding the algorithms is provided in the text. AEG atrial electrogram, CFE-Mean index used by NavX to quantify AEG fractionation, FI fractionated interval, ICL interval confidence level: index used by CARTO to quantify AEG, LPV left pulmonary veins, MV mitral valve, RPV right pulmonary veins. These abbreviations were used in the subsequent figures