FIG. 2.
Course of GBV-B infection in six S. mystax tamarins following intrahepatic transfection with RNA transcripts from a molecular clone (pGBB). Results of qualitative RT-nested PCR for GBV-B RNA in serum (filled circles, positive; empty circles, negative) and examination of liver biopsy samples (necroinflammatory changes within the lobules graded as 0 [no change], 1 [mild], 2 [mild-moderate], 3 [moderate-severe], or 4 [severe]) are shown at the top. Only selected samples were tested in the qualitative RT-PCR assay. Serum levels of ICD (in units per milliliter; shaded areas) and the estimated log10 GBV-B GE titer per ml, determined in a TaqMan assay (diamonds), were plotted against time. Samples found to be below the assay cutoff of 103 GE/ml in the TaqMan assay are shown as not detected (ND). Only selected samples were tested in the TaqMan assay. Vertical columns indicate the genome titer previously determined for SM816 and SM817 in an RT-nested PCR on 10-fold-serially diluted RNA (4). The GBV-B titers for the other animals were not determined with this test. SM816 and SM817 had not previously been tested in the TaqMan assay.