Morphological and histological OA-like changes in Dmp1 null mice. (A) Representative radiographs showed the knee joints of Dmp1 KO mice (right panels) and the age-matched littermate controls (left panels) at the early stage (7-week-old, top), adult stage (3-month-old, middle), and the old stage (1-year-old, lower). The arrows reflect osteophytes. (B) the μ-CT images from frontal view of the knee joints (center), the matched longitudinal sections (both sides), and tibial plateaus (bottom) at age of 7-weeks (top), 3-months (middle), and 1-year (lower) with arrows pointed to the area changed; and (C) Representative H&E staining of control (left panels) and Dmp1 KO (right panels) mice from 7-week-old, 3-month-old, and 12-month-old. Arrows indicate osteophytes, ellips circle the areas with complete loss of cartilage, asterisks point the subchondral bone sclerosis, and the inserted images displayed the enlarged box area.