FIG. 7.
Expression of Tat in normal cells increases tumorigenesis by GR3 cells. (A) Normal GR5 cells were transfected with Tat101 DNA or a control vector. Transfected normal cells were mixed with GR3 cells and injected into mice as described in Materials and Methods. A Kaplan-Meier plot for the time of appearance of palpable tumors is shown. A log-rank analysis, performed by using StatXact version 6 (Cytel Software Corp., Cambridge, Mass.), gave a P value of 0.0016. (B) Normal GR5 cells were transfected with Tat101, the deletion mutant TatΔ30-51, or empty vector. Mice were injected with transfected normal cells on one side and GR3 cells on the opposite side. A Kaplan-Meier plot for the time of appearance of palpable tumors is shown. A log-rank analysis gave a P value of 0.002 for the comparison of Tat with the control vector and of 0.057 for the comparison of Tat with the TatΔ30-51 mutant. There was no significant difference (P = 0.662) between the values of the Tat mutant and the control.