FIG. 4.
Temporal correlation analysis. (A) A sample orientation preference map within the ferret visual cortex with the different colors corresponding to functional responsiveness at specific angular orientations. A group of iso-orientation patches, outlined in black, were segmented. One of these patches was selected as a ROI. The mean signal from this ROI was correlated to the rest of the image to generate correlation maps for evoked (B) and resting (C) data. These maps reveal a temporal dependence on distance that obscures the connectivity between common orientation domains. The color map for (A), (B), and (C) is provided to the right of (C). Further analysis of temporal correlation data was performed by binning the correlation data by OPD and IPD. (D) The vectorized correlation data were supplied to the model in Equation (1) along with the corresponding OPD and IPD vectors. Variations in the correlation vector resemble patterns observed in both OPD and IPD vectors. (E) Binned correlation data from a single experiment are plotted and reveal decreasing linear trends against both OPD and distance. This behavior was also apparent in the other animals. IPD, interpixel distance; OPD, orientation preference difference; ROI, region of interest.