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. 2016 May 10;1(3):e00043-16. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00043-16

FIG 2 .

FIG 2 

Proteomic coverage of diverse sets of samples. (A) The archaeon S. acidocaldarius. (B) Unicyanobacterial consortium. (C) Human urine. (D) Human lung epithelial cell line Calu-3. (E) A. thaliana plant leaves. (F) Mouse brain cortex. Each figure shows the number of identified proteins, correlation between replicates, and proteome coverage. Abbreviations: MPLEx, metabolite, protein, and lipid extraction; Control, no-extraction control; TCA, trichloroacetic acid extraction. All samples were prepared and measured in 5 replicates and analyzed by t test, assuming two tails and equal distributions.