Phenotypic analysis of M145 OsdK and OsdR null mutants. (A) The different osdK and osdR mutants and their parent, S. coelicolor A3(2) M145, were grown on MS agar plates and monitored over time. Veg, vegetative growth; Aer, aerial growth; Spo, sporulation. (B) Phenotypic characterization of the osdK and osdR mutants and their parent, S. coelicolor M145, by cryo-scanning electron microscopy. Samples were prepared after 5 days of growth on MS. (C) Confocal fluorescence micrographs of germinating spores of S. coelicolor M145 and its osdR mutant GSTC2. Spores were inoculated onto MM agar and imaged after 7 h. Cells were stained with propidium iodide to identify dead cells (red) and with SYTO 9 green to identify living cells. GSTC1, M145 ΔosdK; GSTC2, M145 ΔosdR; GSTC3, M145 osdR in-frame deletion mutant; GSTC4, M145 osdRK double mutant.