Fig. 4.
Effect of LC berry extract on sphingomyelin species. a sphingomyelin (SM) species studied by using 12:0 SM, 16:0 SM, and 18:1 SM external calibrators. Data are expressed as nmol/mg protein. Left ordinate, 16:0 SM, and 18:1 SM; right ordinate, 12:0 SM. b SM species studied by evaluating the areas of all the peaks identified on the basis of their molecular weight. Data are expressed as area/mg protein c total saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (FAs) and saturated/unsaturated ratio. Data are expressed as area/mg protein. d total monounsaturated and polyunsaturated FAs. Data are expressed as area/mg protein. Data are expressed as area/mg protein. (Significance, *P < 0.001 versus control sample)