Understanding of the indications for treatments and the risks and benefits of different radiation treatment options
Familiarity with the basic principles of radiation biology, including the effects of time, dose, fractionation and type of radiation
Understanding of the indications for curative radiation therapy and its side effects
Understanding of the benefits and toxicity of palliative radiation treatment
Understanding of the acute, late and very late reactions/complications of radiation treatment
Knowledge of differences in radiation tolerance of organs/tissues at risk
Familiarity with the risks of re-irradiation based on normal tissue tolerance limits
Understanding of the interaction between radiation and systemic drugs
Familiarity with the type and severity of the toxicity from the use of concomitant systemic drugs and radiation
Understanding of the interaction of radiation therapy on surgery in the preoperative and postoperative settings
Understanding of the basic principles of different radiation planning and delivery techniques such as intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), stereotactic, particle and adaptive radiotherapy
Understanding of the basic principles of brachytherapy and radionuclide therapy
Understanding of the basic principles of different radiation position/dose-verification techniques such as electronic portal imaging devices (EPID), image guided radiation therapy (IGRT) and in vivo dosimetry
Familiarity with the role of surgery, interventional radiology, radiation oncology, systemic antitumour therapy, symptom control and supportive/palliative care measures in patients with relapsed disease
Knowledge of relevant published research evidence, of the results of major randomised trials that have influenced present practice, of ongoing trials of radiation oncology and systemic therapy, and of national/international guidelines
Understanding of the fundamental concepts of value-based healthcare