Familiarity with the complications/toxicities associated with classes of anticancer therapy (cytotoxic, (anti)hormonal, targeted and immuno-therapy) and with single agents
Familiarity with the frequency with which adverse events occur, how severity can be assessed and the natural history of such events
Understanding that prescription, over-the-counter and complementary medicines have the potential to interact with anticancer therapy and thus contribute to adverse events
Understanding of the diagnostic approach to complications of therapy, in particular the relevant history, examination and investigational findings
Familiarity with the spectrum of therapeutic options available for complications of treatment, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies
Knowledge of evolving treatment paradigms for targeted therapy and immunotherapy
Understanding that many other healthcare professionals will have a role in the diagnosis and management of the complications/toxicities of treatment, including medical, nursing, pharmacy and allied health personnel
Understanding that effective prevention and/or prophylactic strategies can be employed to reduce the frequency and/or severity of some complications/toxicities
Familiarity with potential mechanisms of complications/toxicities
Familiarity with potential drug interactions contributing to complications/toxicities and the mechanisms of these interactions
Familiarity with the psychological impact of treatment-related adverse events and the supportive measures available to the patient
Understanding how the complications/toxicities of treatment will impact future delivery of anticancer therapy and when a dose delay, dose modification or treatment cessation may be applied