Familiarity with the implication of the different biological and pathological subtypes of hepatobiliary cancer in order to select the appropriate treatment strategies
Understanding of the pattern of metastases of hepatobiliary cancer
Familiarity with the indications and diagnostic tools available for hepatobiliary cancer (such as diagnostic serum tumour markers like α-foetoprotein (AFP) and cancer antigen (CA)19-9, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET)/CT imaging) and their implications for an appropriate therapeutic strategy
Understanding of the role of endoscopic techniques to address biliary tract stenosis
Understanding of the importance of cancer precursor lesions and premalignant conditions for the development of hepatobiliary cancer
Familiarity with predisposing medical conditions for the development of hepatocellular (eg, viral infections, cirrhosis, storage diseases) and biliary cancers (eg, inflammatory bowel disease with primary biliary sclerosis, cholecystolithiasis)
Familiarity with the risk assessment of prognostic factors, especially the TNM staging system for hepatobiliary cancer
Familiarity with integrating clinical scoring systems like Child-Pugh, Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) and Milan criteria into treatment decisions
Familiarity with indications and value of multimodality approach of surgery, loco-regional ablative techniques and medical therapy in non-metastatic hepatobiliary cancer
Understanding of the difference between bland embolisation, chemo-embolisation and radio-embolisation as loco-regional interventional techniques
Understanding of the role of chemotherapy and targeted therapy in the management of patients with advanced hepatobiliary cancer
Familiarity with hereditary syndromes and the management of families with these implications for individual patients
Understanding of the value of medical therapy in advanced hepatobiliary cancer
Understanding of the symptoms and complications that derive from disease progression and those that are treatment-associated in the context of being familiar with supportive and palliative care settings