Figure 2.
Schematics of the four training tasks administered. Dashed rectangles and arrows, which were not visible in the original tasks, indicate objects that were moving on-screen: (a) Task 1 (Butterfly). The butterfly (indicated in red) scrolled from left to right as long as the child looked directly at it, with static and moving (indicated in blue) distractors presented in the child’s peripheral visual field. If the child looked to any of the distractors, they disappeared and the scrolling stopped. (b) Task 2 (FlyMe). The purple character (indicated red) scrolled upwards as long as the child looked directly at it. Static and moving (indicated blue) distractors appeared from the top and bottom of the screen. If the child looked to any of the distractors, the purple object sank towards the bottom of the screen and the distractors disappeared. (c) Task 3 (Stars). A target (indicated red) was presented on-screen along with a number of static and moving (indicated blue) distractors. If the child looked to the target within a time window, (s)he received a reward. Both target and distractors changed between trials. (d) Task 4 (Suspects). A target (indicated red) was presented along with a range of distractors. If the child looked to the target within a time window, they received a reward. Once per block of 12 trials, the target changed. Targets from the previous block (indicated yellow) were presented concurrently with the current target, as distractors. (Colour version available online. DOI: 10.1177/1362361315617880.)