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. 2016 Feb 9;20(8):927–937. doi: 10.1177/1362361315617880

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

Scatterplots showing change in performance in our participants. Individual dots represent individual children. In each case, pre-test performance has been drawn on the x-axis and post-test performance on the y-axis. A 1:1 equivalence line (indicating that performance at pre-test was identical to post-test) has been drawn on each figure. The direction of predicted change following training, based on previous research, has been shown using an arrow in the top-right corner of each graph. (a) Visual sustained attention – first look duration to ‘interesting’ targets. (b) Visual sustained attention – first look duration to ‘boring’ targets. (c) Disengagement latencies. (d) Average saccadic reaction time (gap-overlap task). (e) Anticipations (two-object task). (f) Anticipations (four-object task).