Fig 5. Effect of one session of calf raises upon mitochondrial respiration in healthy older adults.
Mitochondrial respiration (pmol O2/s/ mg wet weight of muscle fibers) in patients with PVD compared to at baseline. (A) (ETF+CI)L is the LEAK state electron transfer through electron transferring flavoprotein (ETF) and complex I (CI) after addition of the substrates octanoylcarnitin (0.2mM) + malate (2mM), in the absence of ADP (B): (ETF+CI)P is fatty acid oxphos capacity after addition of ADP (2.5mM) (C): (CI+ETF)P is electron transfer through complex I and ETF reaching complex I oxphos capacity after addition of glutamate (10mM) (D): (CI+II+ETF)P is electron transfer through complex I, II and ETF reaching complex I and II oxphos capacity after addition of succinate (10mM) and ADP (5mM) (E): (CI+II+ETF)E is electron transfer through complex I, II and ETF reaching ETS capacity after FCCP titrations (0.5M max. 3M) to uncouple oxidation from phosphorylation (F): (CII)E is ETS capacity supported by complex II after addition of rotenone (0.5M), which inhibits complex I. The subscripts L,P,E indicate the LEAK state, OXPHOS and ETS capacity. Oct (0.2mM octanoylcarnitin), M (2mM malate), D (2.5mM ADP),G (10mM glutamate), S (10 mM succinate), D (5mM ADP), F (0.5M FCCP titrations) Rot (0.5 M Rotenon). Black (baseline); white (post-exercise). Values are mean and standard error of the mean, n = 11. * Significantly different from Baseline (P < 0.05), ** Significantly different from Baseline (P < 0.01), *** Significantly different from Baseline (P < 0.001)