Table 2.
Percentage change in risk of total mortality for a 1°C increase in temperature (lag01) above the threshold (90th (25.1°C) percentile), by NDVI group.
NDVI level | Estimate (%) (95% CI) |
Low (<39.4%) | 4.1 (2.3, 5.9) |
Medium (39.4-48.3%) | 3.0 (0.2, 5.9) |
High (>48.3%) | 2.2 (-0.5, 5.0) |
Model included time trend, day of the week, relative humidity, NDVI group, percentage of persons >65 years, percentage receiving social benefits as a proxy for socioeconomic status (SES), offset term for the population size in each gu, PM10 and O3 concentrations in each gu level, area of each gu level, interaction term between temperature and NDVI group.