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. 2016 Feb 3;3(7):1500424. doi: 10.1002/advs.201500424

Figure 9.

Figure 9

A) Room‐temperature X‐band ESR spectra for Zn2+–ZSM‐5 in vacuum (curve 1), the (Zn+, Zn2+)–ZSM‐5 sample (curve 2), and a reference Zn2+–ZSM‐5 sample (curve 3). The inset is the ESR spectrum of the 67(Zn+, Zn2+)–ZSM‐5 sample. B) ESR spectra of the ZnMFI irradiated at various wavelengths. A) Reproduced with permission.33 B) Reproduced with permission.36 Copyright 2013, American Chemical Society.