Table 1.
Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Monitoring Tools: Accuracy, Advantages and Disadvantages
ART Adherence Monitoring Tool |
Validity/Reliability | Detection of Ad- herence Patterns |
Real-Time Monitoring |
Setting of Use | Cost |
Self-Report | Specific, Very Insensitive. Poor Reliability |
Yes | No | Clinical Practice & Research |
Low |
Pharmacy Refill or Claim | Specific, Fairly Sensitive & Reliable |
No | Could be | Clinical Practice & Research |
Low |
Announced or Unannounced Pill Count |
Fairly Specific, Fairly Sensi- tive, Fair Reliability |
No | No | Clinical Practice & Research |
Low |
Electronic Pill-Container Caps (MEMS caps) |
Specific, Too Sensitive & High Reliability |
Yes | No | Research | High |
Electronic Web-Enabled Pill Box (Med-eMonitor; Wise Pill; etc.) |
Specific, Too Sensitive | Yes | Yes | Research | High |
Directly Observed or Admin- istered Therapy (DOT/DAART) |
Specific, Sensitive and Reli- able |
N/A | Yes | Vulnerable Popula- tions & Research |
Labor- Intensive |
Monitoring of Antiretroviral Drug Concentration (Blood, Urine, Hair, etc.) |
Specific, Sensitive, Reliable | Yes | Yes | Research | High |