Fig 1. Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees depicting the relatedness of cowpea viruses from Burkina Faso.
A) Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees of partial cp genes from nine isolates of Cowpea polerovirus 1 and representative species from the family Luteoviridae. SCYLV, Sugarcane yellow leaf virus; PLRV, Potato leafroll virus; PeVYV, Pepper vein yellows virus; CpCSV, Chickpea chlorotic stunt virus; BrYV, Brassica yellows virus; BWYV, Beet western yellows virus; BYDV, Barley yellow dwarf virus; BLRV, Bean leafroll virus; SbDV, Soybean dwarf virus; PEMV-1, Pea enation mosaic virus-1; GRAV, Groundnut rosette assistor virus; PBMYV, Phasey bean mild yellows virus. B) Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees of partial RdRp genes from four isolates of Cowpea tombusvirid-1 and representative species from the family Tombusviridae. TurCV, Turnip crinkle virus; MNSV, Melon necrotic spot virus; MCMV, Maize chlorotic mottle virus; JCSMV, Johnsongrass chlorotic stripe mosaic virus; OCSV, Oat chlorotic stunt virus; TNV A, Tobacco necrosis virus A; OLV1, Olive latent virus 1; PMV, Panicum mosaic virus; CMMV, Cocksfoot mild mosaic virus; CarMV, Carnation mottle virus; MWLMV, Maize white line mosaic virus; PNSV, Pelargonium necrotic spot virus; CIRV, Carnation Italian ringspot virus; GaMV, Galinsoga mosaic virus; FNSV, Furcraea necrotic streak virus; LWSV, Leek white stripe virus; BBSV, Beet black scorch virus; SCNMV, Sweet clover necrotic mosaic virus; CRSV, Carnation ringspot virus; CkMV, Cocksfoot mottle virus. C) Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees of partial RdRp gene from 5 isolates of CPMoV from Burkina Faso and representative species from Carmovirus genus and from the family Tombusviridae. CCFV, Cardamine chlorotic fleck virus; SYMMV, Soybean yellow mottle mosaic virus; HCRV, Hibiscus chlorotic ringspot virus; PSNV, Pea stem necrosis virus; MNSCG, Melon necrotic spot virus; CymRSV, Cymbidium ringspot tombusvirus; MPV-PM75, Moroccan pepper virus. D: Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees of partial RdRp genes from five isolates of SCPMV from Burkina Faso and representative species of the Sobemovirus genus. SCPMV, Southern cowpea mosaic virus; RYMV, Rice yellow Mottle virus; CfMV, Cocksfoot mottle virus_sobemovirus; SCMoV, Subterranean clover mottle virus; SYCMV, Soybean yellow common mosaic virus; SBMV, Southern bean mosaic virus; SeMV, Sesbania mosaic virus; CarMV, Carnation mottle virus. For all four trees, branches associated with a filled dot have bootstrap support above 90 per cent whereas those with an unfilled dot have bootstrap support above 70 per cent. All branches with less than 50 percent bootstrap support were collapsed.