Differentiation of tissue-resident CD4-1+ T cells. (A) Gill preparation confirming resident population of CD4-1+ cells (BF, bright field; la, lamella; b, branchial filament). (B) Cryosection and immunostain showing an intestinal villus populated by both CD4-1+ (yellow arrows) and CD4-1− (white arrows) T cells. (C–E) qPCR analysis of CD4-1+ T cells isolated from kidney and spleen (KS), gill, and gut. (C) Expression of gata3 and il-4/13b, but not il-4/13a, is significantly enhanced in CD4-1+ T cells of the gills. (D) Expression of t-bet and ifn-γ is significantly lower or unaltered in CD4-1+ T cells of the gill or gut compared with KS. (E) CD4-1+ T cells of the gut show significantly enhanced expression of foxp3a and il-10. Error bars represent SD; n = 9–12, p < 0.05. Scale bars, 20 μm. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.