Table 1.
Variable names, definitions and data sources
Variable | Definition | Data source |
SMI status | Recorded on the QOF Mental Health register with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder and other psychoses | LDN |
Gender | Male/female | LDN |
Age | Date of extraction - date of birth (years) | LDN |
Deprivation | Index of Multiple deprivation 2010 score (quintiles) | LDN ONS |
Primary care consultation | Mean annual number of GP face-to-face, telephone and home visits and nurse consultations between October 2010–2013 | LDN |
Breast cancer screening | Read code indicating breast cancer screen (mammography) & date of last screen | LDN |
Cervical cancer screening | Read code indicating cervical cancer screen (smear) & date of last screen | LDN |
SMI diagnosis | ICD-10 diagnostic code (primary and secondary diagnosis) | CRIS |
Depot injectable | Ever recorded as prescribed depot injectable antipsychotic | CRIS |
SMI severity | Any record of a mental health inpatient stay, treatment under the Mental Health Act, difficulty managing their physical health as recorded in a clinical risk assessment; or contact with Assertive Outreach, Crisis team or A&E liaison team | CRIS |
SMI risk | Ever recorded with a history of violence, non-compliance, or a forensic history (on the risk assessment violence and aggression subscale) | CRIS |
Notes. SMI Serious Mental Illness, QOF Quality and Outcomes Framework, LDN Lambeth DataNet, CRIS Clinical Record Interactive Search; ONS Office for National Statistics, ICD-10 International Statistical Classification of Diseases (2010)