Fig. 3.
CC-PROMISE Results for HOXB6 in the AML Study. The four heatmaps provide information for each patient in one row and each variable in one column. The leftmost 3-column heatmap provides endpoint data for each subject with values indicating cytarabine resistance in red, values indicating cytarabine sensitivity in blue, intermediate values in purple, and missing values in gray. The large heatmap in the center provides methylation data for each microarray marker with hypermethylation indicated by red and hypomethylation indicated by blue. The genomic locations of the markers are indicated by the lines matching them to genomic position. The rightmost 2-column heatmap provides expression values for each of two microarray probe-sets with greater expression indicated by red and lesser expression indicated by blue. The two-column heatmap in the middle shows the values of the CC scores for methylation and expression with greater values indicated by red and lesser values indicated by blue. The scores show a strong correlation, indicating a strong multivariate correlation between methyaltion and expression