Figure 5.
Phosphorylation levels of PLN on serine 16 and threonine 17 were examined in the three groups of infected adult rat cardiomyocytes in the presence of isoproterenol. A) Representative Western blots. B) Ratio of phosphorylated serine 16 PLN (S16 P-PLN)/total PLN. C) Ratio of phosphorylated threonine 17 PLN (T17 P-PLN)/total PLN. D) Ratio of total PLN/calsequestrin (CSQ). The level of phosphorylated PLN on serine 16 but not that on threonine 17 was depressed by ~50% in the G147D inhibitor-1-infected myocytes on exposure to isoproterenol. *P < 0.05, G147D vs. GFP or WT. Data are presented as mean values. Values are normalized to GFP. Error bars indicate SEM values. n represents at least three independent experiments.