Assimilation rates in cold-treated plants. Plants of Col-0 and fum2.2 were grown under 100 µmol m2 s−1 light, 8 h light/16 h dark, ambient CO2, and 20°C light/18°C dark conditions for 8 weeks. Assimilation was measured using a LiCor LI-6400 gas analyzer fitted with an Arabidopsis long-reach leaf chamber. Assimilation rates were measured through the first (A) and seventh (B) photoperiod in Col-0 plants and the first (C) and seventh (D) photoperiod in fum2.2 plants subject to control (20°C) or low (4°C) temperatures. A to D, Measurements were taken under growth conditions, with growth light and CO2 levels. E and F, Measurements were taken at 20°C, at 2000 µL L−1 CO2.