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. 2016 Oct 15;5:e17462. doi: 10.7554/eLife.17462

Figure 1. Klf5 is upregulated during myogenesis.

(A) Relative mRNA expression of Klf5, Pax7, Myod1, Myog and Myh3 (embryonic myosin heavy chain) in intact and regenerating TA muscles. The animals were sacrificed on day 4 after CTX injection. Data are means ± SEM. ***p<0.001. **p<0.01. Representative data from three individual mice are shown. (B) Klf5 expression during muscle regeneration. Klf5 was not detectable in quiescent satellite cells (SCs) in intact muscle (arrows in the top panels). During muscle regeneration, Klf5 was highly expressed in the nuclei of differentiating myocytes expressing Myog (arrowheads) and regenerating myofibers, whereas Klf5 expression was not detected or detected very weakly in Pax7-positive SCs (arrows). Representative data from at least three individual mice are shown. Scale bar represents 20 µm. (C) Plated SCs were cultured in growth medium (GM) or differentiating medium (DM; for 2 days or 4 days) after isolation and were co-immunostained for Klf5 with Pax7 or Myog. Klf5 is expressed in the differentiating myocytes, which were negative or very weakly positive for Pax7 (arrows). Klf5 was upregulated during differentiation and frequently co-localized with Myog. After 4 days of culture, Klf5 levels were decreased in the nuclei of large myotubes (arrowheads). Representative data from at least three individual mice are shown. Scale bar represents 50 µm.


Figure 1.

Figure 1—figure supplement 1. Preparation of SC primary cultures.

Figure 1—figure supplement 1.

(A) Isolated EDL myofibers with their associated SCs were immediately fixed and immunostained for Pax7 and Klf5. (B) SCs were prepared from EDL muscles from wild-type C57/B6 mice and stained for Pax7 and MyoD. (C–D) Proportion of Pax7+, Pax7+: MyoD+ and MyoD+ cells (C) or Pax7+, Pax7+: Klf5+ and Klf5+ cells (D) in the primary SCs cultured in the growth media (GM). Expression of MyoD in every analyzed cells, indicating these cells are composed of pure, myoblast-lineage population. Pax7+: MyoD- cells was not detected. (E) Two days post differentiation, propotion of Myog+, Myog+: Klf5+ and Klf5+ cells were analyzed. Note that all the Myog positive cells were also positive for Klf5. Data represent means ± SEM. Representative data from at least three individual mice are shown. DM: differentiation medium.