(A) Chromatin was isolated from confluent shNSi or shNgBRi cells. After determination of input, the immunoprecipitation was conducted with normal IgG, anti-LXRα, LXRβ or RXR antibody followed by real-time PCR. *P<0.05 vs. the corresponding control (n=4). (B) The LXRα/RXR heterodimer was immunoprecipitated by anti-RXR antibody followed by determination of LXRα, NCOR2, and NCOA6 in the complex by western blotting. (C) NgBR deficiency increased LXRE promoter activity. Activities of firefly and Renilla luciferases in the isolated cell lysate were determined using the Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay System (Promega). *: P<0.05 vs. control (n=3).