Fig. 1.
Association between BMI (both when presented on a continuous scale and when categorized) and MRI-detected inflammation is different in early RA patients (a) compared with early arthritis patients with other diagnoses (b) and asymptomatic volunteers (c). Total inflammation scores were log-transformed for regressions. Regression coefficients presented are back-transformed (10β and 1095 % CI). In RA patients the back-transformed regression coefficient is 0.97 (95 % CI 0.94–1.00, a left), in arthritis patients with other diagnoses the coefficient is 1.082 (95 % CI 1.041–1.13, b left), and in asymptomatic volunteers it was 1.029 (95 % CI 1.001–1.057, c left). Horizontal lines (right) represent median values. BMI body mass index